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Для студентов строительных вузов, проектировщиков и специалистов коммунального хозяйства

В издательстве "Политехника" вышла новая книга - "Внутренний водопровод и канализация зданий" авторов В. И. Кириленко, И. М. Руднева и А. А. Шипилова под редакцией проф. Л. Н. Фесенко. Учебное издание рекомендовано студентам, обучающимся по направлению подготовки 270100 "Строительство" и издано при поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций РФ.

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27 января 2024 г. исполняется 80 лет полного освобождения Ленинграда от фашистской блокады.

По заявкам читателей издательство "Политехника" выпускает новый тираж сборника И.А.Ивановой "За блокадным кольцом".

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XXI Промышленный форум в Ижевске

19 сентября на Центральной площади Ижевска откроется XXI Промышленный форум

В рамках Дня оружейника в Ижевске пройдет XXI Промышленный форум. На выставках «Машиностроение. Металлургия. Металлообработка», «Нефть. Газ. Химия», «Энергетика. Энергосбережение» и специальной экспозиции «Комплексная безопасность» свою продукцию представят 50 предприятий России, а также Китая.

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Лонг-лист АСКИ-2022

В результате работы экспертного совета общероссийского конкурса Ассоциации книгоиздателей «Лучшие книги года-2022» по номинации "Лучшее учебное издание для высшей школы" в лонг-лист изданий вошла книга «Основы теории структурной оптимизации систем контроля и управления беспилотными летательными аппаратами» АО "Издательство "Политехника", г.Санкт-Петербург.

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Вниманию историков - студентов, аспирантов, молодых ученых!

Извещение о проведении в 2023 году конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Комитет по науке и высшей школе в соответствии с постановлением Правительства Санкт-Петербурга от 01.08.2022 № 695 «О премиях Правительства Санкт-Петербурга победителям конкурса на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда» проводит в 2023 году конкурс на проведение исследований по изучению истории обороны и блокады Ленинграда

Подробнее о конкурсе

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ХVIII Петербургский книжный салон

Главный книжный праздник нашего города - в третий раз пройдет на Дворцовой площади и в здании Главного штаба Государственного Эрмитажа.

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Мы в контакте

Metalloobrabotka № 5 (101)/2017Metalloobrabotka № 5-6 (119-120)/2020

Metalloobrabotka № 5 (83)/2014

Metalloobrabotka № 5 (83)/2014

Цена: 0 Руб.

Processing Of  Materials By Cutting

Pereladov В., Kamkin I. V. Determining statistical indices of geometrical parameters of microcutting when grinding

The article describes the methods and results of computer simulation of mass microcutting abrasive grains of workpiece material. The obtained data allowed identifying the most important indicators of the microcutting of the workpiece material — active length of the cutting edges of abrasive grains, which are in direct contact with the sur­face of the cut. In the result of the regression analysis was obtained correlation length of the cutting edge with square cross-sections of cut chips. Suggested ways of adjustment of the indicator, depending on the mode of grinding and static characteristics of the instrument.

Keywords: grinding, microcutting, abrasive grain, cutting edge, section chips, statistical distribution.


Kulikov M. Yu., Popov A. Yu., Florov A. V., San Maung. Increased tool life when wheel-processing

Examined the thermal condition of the cutting tool during machining of wheel that determines its performance. Ways of improving the heat transfer from the cutting insert during machining. Their use reduces the calorific cutting wedge and, consequently, increase the tool when processing wheel-turning machining.

Keywords: wheel-turning machining, fracture of cutting tool, heat transfer, wear-resistant coatings.


Maslenikov I. A. The study of the shape of the shear surface in the process of chip formation when machining ductile materials

The process of chip formation while processing metals. The purpose of researches is to identify the causes and determination of the regularities of formation of various kinds of chips (continuous, segmented nonhomogeneous, discontinuous) during cutting of plastic metals with the edge tool depending on the conditions of processing. The method of calculation to predict the shape of the shear surface, the type of chip and estimate its parameters. Studies were conducted using methods of the theory of elasticity and theory of plasticity

Keywords: cutting of plastic metals shear surface chip formation chip types


Grishin Yu. A., Kuranov V. V., Malyh M. V., Gorbo-konin N. V. The effect of wear-resistant coatings on cutting tools, thermal processes in the machining of gray cast iron mid-20/25

The object of research was making a theoretical and practical model of relationship of temperature in a cutting zone of grey iron and coating material of the cutting tool. There are temperature values of grey iron cutting carried out by two-cutter dynamic thermocouple method with use of cutters covered by TiN, ZrN, ZrTiN and without a covering. The calculations of temperatures values are executed using the Deform software at turning operation of grey iron feedwork. The received values of temperatures of cut­ting are correlated with the results received experimentally. It is shown that TiN and ZrN coverings of cutting tool allows to reduce temperature in a cutting zone grey iron (and materials which properties are close to grey iron) in comparison with the tool without a covering or with ZrTiN combined covering.

Keywords: descriptive information: cemented carbide tool, turning, two-cutter dynamic thermocouple, gray cast iron, TiN coating, ZrN coating, simulation, deform.



Metal Forming


Kuznecov P. A., Mochalova S. B. Cold face rolling bimetallic sintered bushes

This article describes an analysis of new type technological capabilities of rolling process for axisymmetric items production made from bimetallic sintered materials. Macro-, micro-structural analysis and hardness measurements of rolling process reveals significant increase technological capabilities of production items with low plasticity.

Keywords: technology, cold rolling process, bimetallic sintered materials, macro- micro-structural.


Electrophysical And Electrochemical Processing Methods

Yurkevich S. N., Myshkavets V. N., Maksimenka A. V., Yurkevich K. S., Bayevich G. A. Restore of cylinder inner surface by means of laser building-up

The subject of consideration in the present research is as follows: the results of analysis of made of high-tension steel aviation materiel details (cylinders) which have defects on inner surface restored by laser building-up.

Keywords: restore, laser building-up, inner surface of cylinder, structure of metal.



New Materials And Production


Sokolov Yu. A. Features of granular composite materials' receiving

In the present article the synthesis' possibilities of new constructional and tool granular materials is considered. Creation of new technology and development of modern processing equipment opens also new opportunities for creation of materials from various chemical composition' granules and receiving materials with the programmed structure and previously predicted properties. The increase of materials' properties is made by correction of combination, of synthesis' modes of products and heat treatment. The technology of the granular products' receiving allows to carry out heat treatment in pulse or continuous mode not only coating surface, but also in the process of product's «growth», forming thereby program structure, for example, with strengthening fibers.

Keywords: granules, packing, electron-beam synthesis, plasma and electron-beam evaporation, high-temperature gas-static processing, composite materials.


Kravchenko E. G. The mechanism of a twisting of shaving on the basis of synergetic approach

Studying of mechanisms of a twisting of shaving has both theoretical, and practical value since allows to operate this process. From positions of the theory of syn-ergetrics formation of various types of shaving is phase transition — hardening of deformable volumes, storage of energy of elastic deformation in them and its dissipation on various mechanisms. In this regard the mathematical model of process of the cutting, allowing to specify as the mechanism of a twisting of shaving is developed, and to explain dependence of radius of a twisting of shaving on kristallo-physical properties of a processed material. Communication of radius of a twisting of shaving with the frequency of shift of an element of shaving is experimentally established and theoretically proved. Such communication is caused by that the frequency of a formation of shavingis the deformation characteristic and correlates with coefficient of torsion of shaving and extent of deformation of a cut-off layer. In this regard the frequency of a formation of shaving is a diagnosing sign at control of a form and radius of a twisting of shaving. On this basis methods of control over a shaving form are offered.

Keywords: the mechanism of a twisting of shaving, syn-ergetic approach, education during plastic deformation of different types of dissipative structures, dissipative properties, energy of defect of packing, radius of a twisting of shaving, frequency of formation of shaving.


Krasnyy V. A., Maksarov V. V. Evaluation of the effect of surface roughness on the rise the strength of adhesion of sprayed wear resistant coating

The paper considers the application of wear resistant coatings by methods of thermal and flame spraying. The dependence of the strength of the sprayed coating with a surface roughness after blasting-abrasive machining for example piston rings with telemaintenance coating. The authors study to define the dependence of surface roughness on modes of jet-abrasive machining: the distance from the nozzle exit, the number of passes, the drive air pressure and frequency shift of the fraction.

Keywords: the surface roughness, the adhesion strength of the coating, jet blasting, thermal and flame spraying.